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Adding new admins

Hi, how does one go about adding new admins to a group? Does only the founder of the group have this right? If, so mabye this should be changed so that all admins can add others. Founders sometimes move away and in big groups, it's kind of inconvenient to have to start new groups beacause the founder has left or is no longer active.

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Hi, how does one go about adding new admins to a group? Does only the founder of the group have this right? If, so mabye this should be changed so that all admins can add others. Founders sometimes move away and in big groups, it's kind of inconvenient to have to start new groups beacause the founder has left or is no longer active.

Lisa HultMar 1, 2015 @ 13:17
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Re: Adding new admins
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Hi Lisa,

Only founders can add other admins, but in special cases (like a founder leaving or no longer being active) you can contact me and I will give one of the admins founder rights so he/she can add more admins.

You can reach me on admin at glocals dot com.



The text you are quoting:

Hi Lisa,

Only founders can add other admins, but in special cases (like a founder leaving or no longer being active) you can contact me and I will give one of the admins founder rights so he/she can add more admins.

You can reach me on admin at glocals dot com.



SiteAdmin Oded, Apr 7, 2015 @ 11:46
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