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Flashy ? Each click - 20 sec or more
I got a glocals message from a friend - notified on my email address
To reply, I have to login on glocals and go to my inbox. In theory this is just a few clciks away. But I have monitored the time delay between EACH click to conclude that the minimum in my case is 20 sec. It took me several minutes waiting to reach my inbox and another few minutes to send and leave the site.
I can cry from frustration...
The text you are quoting:
I got a glocals message from a friend - notified on my email address
To reply, I have to login on glocals and go to my inbox. In theory this is just a few clciks away. But I have monitored the time delay between EACH click to conclude that the minimum in my case is 20 sec. It took me several minutes waiting to reach my inbox and another few minutes to send and leave the site.
I can cry from frustration...

jasperSep 1, 2009 @ 06:31
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Re: Flashy ? Each click - 20 sec or more
Post 1

Isa - I removed your profile photo.

Jasper - For the first few days, the new site was really slow, but now, based on my own timings and on the feedback Im getting from members - the site is moving at a good pace.

If its taking you 20 seconds to upload each page, then I think there is a problem with your connection, or some firewall that is slowing down the connection to glocals.

Maybe I'm wrong - anyone else out there experiencing 20 second page loads?




The text you are quoting:

Isa - I removed your profile photo.

Jasper - For the first few days, the new site was really slow, but now, based on my own timings and on the feedback Im getting from members - the site is moving at a good pace.

If its taking you 20 seconds to upload each page, then I think there is a problem with your connection, or some firewall that is slowing down the connection to glocals.

Maybe I'm wrong - anyone else out there experiencing 20 second page loads?




SiteAdmin Oded, Sep 1, 2009 @ 10:54
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