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Glocals Mobile for iOS (iPhone/iPad)

Recently I stumbled across my old very simple Android app written for Glocals about 4 years ago. After a quick look I was surprised - the site didn't change since that moment. So I asked myself: “why not to port it to iOS?” There is one good thing in looking for a job - you have time. So here it is! ..quite a basic app indeed but it has potential to evolve ;)

I cannot publish it to Apple App Store right now - it obviously needs some testing. So anyone who is willing to participate you are welcome. You will need to create an account on TestFlight. Here is the recrutment URL: http://tflig.ht/14W5MGA


The text you are quoting:

Recently I stumbled across my old very simple Android app written for Glocals about 4 years ago. After a quick look I was surprised - the site didn't change since that moment. So I asked myself: “why not to port it to iOS?” There is one good thing in looking for a job - you have time. So here it is! ..quite a basic app indeed but it has potential to evolve ;)

I cannot publish it to Apple App Store right now - it obviously needs some testing. So anyone who is willing to participate you are welcome. You will need to create an account on TestFlight. Here is the recrutment URL: http://tflig.ht/14W5MGA


VitalySep 3, 2013 @ 23:44
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Re: Glocals Mobile for iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Post 1

The concept of the app is pretty close to what you can find on the Glocals website. Currently there are 3 main sections: activities, members and messages.

With this version you can:

* browse activities you attend (or somehow related to you);

* browse all upcoming activities;

* see activity details;

* RSVPs;

* browse friends and members;

* filter friend/member list using simple search criteria;

* see friend/member profiles;

* send messages to friends/members;

* browse incoming and sent messages;

* see message details;

* reply to messages;

* remove messages.

The text you are quoting:

The concept of the app is pretty close to what you can find on the Glocals website. Currently there are 3 main sections: activities, members and messages.

With this version you can:

* browse activities you attend (or somehow related to you);

* browse all upcoming activities;

* see activity details;

* RSVPs;

* browse friends and members;

* filter friend/member list using simple search criteria;

* see friend/member profiles;

* send messages to friends/members;

* browse incoming and sent messages;

* see message details;

* reply to messages;

* remove messages.

Vitaly, Sep 4, 2013 @ 10:58
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Re: Glocals Mobile for iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Post 2

You mentioned an Android version, is it available?

The text you are quoting:

You mentioned an Android version, is it available?

Yoan R, Sep 4, 2013 @ 11:47
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Re: Glocals Mobile for iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Post 3

Hi Yoan,

Originally it was a mobile website that was delegating requests to it's big Glocals brother back and forth. It wasn't publicly available. I created it just for fun and to learn some mobile development aspects. Using that code I then created a simple on-screen widget for Android that was checking for new messages. Not very usefull, indeed :) You can find it on Google Play.

The text you are quoting:

Hi Yoan,

Originally it was a mobile website that was delegating requests to it's big Glocals brother back and forth. It wasn't publicly available. I created it just for fun and to learn some mobile development aspects. Using that code I then created a simple on-screen widget for Android that was checking for new messages. Not very usefull, indeed :) You can find it on Google Play.

Vitaly, Sep 4, 2013 @ 12:32
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Re: Glocals Mobile for iOS (iPhone/iPad)
Post 4

Thanks for your answer.

I'm more looking for a full version like the one for Iphone that you did.

Otherwise I directly go to glocals.com with my smartphone ;).

Well done anyway!

The text you are quoting:

Thanks for your answer.

I'm more looking for a full version like the one for Iphone that you did.

Otherwise I directly go to glocals.com with my smartphone ;).

Well done anyway!

Yoan R, Sep 4, 2013 @ 13:25
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