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Hi guys.

An idea: 

Why not activate the possibility of inviting people to Glocals?

Even if this community should remain open to maintain its unique carachter among the networks of wannabees, it might be nice to be able to send invitations to people you would like to join.

Just as a courtesy, interpreting the welcoming carachter of this open network Laughing and not as an 'exclusive' key, making it as unpleasant and unclassy as having to know the bouncer at Java in order to get in without waiting for a year outside! Yell




The text you are quoting:

Hi guys.

An idea: 

Why not activate the possibility of inviting people to Glocals?

Even if this community should remain open to maintain its unique carachter among the networks of wannabees, it might be nice to be able to send invitations to people you would like to join.

Just as a courtesy, interpreting the welcoming carachter of this open network Laughing and not as an 'exclusive' key, making it as unpleasant and unclassy as having to know the bouncer at Java in order to get in without waiting for a year outside! Yell




Stef__GrannyJul 23, 2010 @ 10:11
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