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We should be able to set up polls

A lot of the information on the site through threads and that is useful bit for a person who is about to come to Switzerland but they would have to scour through lots of pages

Polls would be able to provide snapshots of real life here... for exampke you could have one on housing so you could ask is it easy to finding accomdoation here? and then able to rate it 1 easy 2 ok to 5 very difficult

The text you are quoting:

We should be able to set up polls

A lot of the information on the site through threads and that is useful bit for a person who is about to come to Switzerland but they would have to scour through lots of pages

Polls would be able to provide snapshots of real life here... for exampke you could have one on housing so you could ask is it easy to finding accomdoation here? and then able to rate it 1 easy 2 ok to 5 very difficult

keith pJan 10, 2012 @ 13:22
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