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Waiting List

Hi Admins,

Don't know if this has already been discussed but would be great to have a "waiting list" function on the event.

As soon as an event is full, people can still click on a "waiting list" button instead of the RSVP one.

As soon as one people who RSVP cancels, the oldest (in terms of joining the waiting list, not age :p) person in the waiting list get automatically in and receive a mail that he/she is now part of the event and has to change his/her RSVP in case he/she doesn't want to join anymore.

The order of the people in the waiting list gives the priority for them to join the event if place becomes available.



The text you are quoting:

Hi Admins,

Don't know if this has already been discussed but would be great to have a "waiting list" function on the event.

As soon as an event is full, people can still click on a "waiting list" button instead of the RSVP one.

As soon as one people who RSVP cancels, the oldest (in terms of joining the waiting list, not age :p) person in the waiting list get automatically in and receive a mail that he/she is now part of the event and has to change his/her RSVP in case he/she doesn't want to join anymore.

The order of the people in the waiting list gives the priority for them to join the event if place becomes available.



Yoan RMar 14, 2013 @ 11:16
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