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Getting in the right mindset for debating on the political forum: Prof. Jacob Bronowski.

I particularly like the cromwell quote at 3.56


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I particularly like the cromwell quote at 3.56


manics1984Sep 20, 2011 @ 09:47
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Re: Getting in the right mindset for debating on the political forum: Prof. Jacob Bronowski.
Post 1

Ah this brought back memories of a young teener who enjoyed the series and reading the book.  But I'm not sure I would agree entirely with saying Bronowski presents a framework or the right framework for political discussions.  Certainly I agree with the Cromwell quote (funny coming from such a man!) and always try to maintain that position myself.

Still I find a few things troubling with Bronowski when he excuses Szilard by quoting his condemnation of mankind rather than the fathers of the bomb as Oppenheimer and I believe Fermi did.  Oppenheimer certainly suffered politically for his positions on the control of nuclear power and weapons and he did say  "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" taking personal responsibility.  Mankind doesn't make scientific advances but rather a few people and they must foresee the consequences when they can and when you work for the government you would need to be brain dead not to realise the power relations in society and the potential harm one is unleashing.  Which is not to criticise the Manhattan project but just those who would like to spread the responsibility to mankind.

Also I'm not sure what Bronowski means by "absolute" power and knowledge as surely someone of his intelligence must have known that there is no such thing and I say that absolutelyWink.

So other than honesty a la Cromwell I'm not sure what Bronowski's contribution to a framework is or would be.  But it was a great series where I first read of the flying buttresses of Reims, however if memory serves me correctly a bit Eurocentric in not covering other cultures architectural marvels and the suffering of millions in Asia that too were reduced to numbers (body counts and trophy ears and other body parts) and so I don't see the point of raising Auschwitz to explain this concept of absolute power and knowledge though agree we have to reach out and touch each other.

The text you are quoting:

Ah this brought back memories of a young teener who enjoyed the series and reading the book.  But I'm not sure I would agree entirely with saying Bronowski presents a framework or the right framework for political discussions.  Certainly I agree with the Cromwell quote (funny coming from such a man!) and always try to maintain that position myself.

Still I find a few things troubling with Bronowski when he excuses Szilard by quoting his condemnation of mankind rather than the fathers of the bomb as Oppenheimer and I believe Fermi did.  Oppenheimer certainly suffered politically for his positions on the control of nuclear power and weapons and he did say  "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" taking personal responsibility.  Mankind doesn't make scientific advances but rather a few people and they must foresee the consequences when they can and when you work for the government you would need to be brain dead not to realise the power relations in society and the potential harm one is unleashing.  Which is not to criticise the Manhattan project but just those who would like to spread the responsibility to mankind.

Also I'm not sure what Bronowski means by "absolute" power and knowledge as surely someone of his intelligence must have known that there is no such thing and I say that absolutelyWink.

So other than honesty a la Cromwell I'm not sure what Bronowski's contribution to a framework is or would be.  But it was a great series where I first read of the flying buttresses of Reims, however if memory serves me correctly a bit Eurocentric in not covering other cultures architectural marvels and the suffering of millions in Asia that too were reduced to numbers (body counts and trophy ears and other body parts) and so I don't see the point of raising Auschwitz to explain this concept of absolute power and knowledge though agree we have to reach out and touch each other.

Marksist, Sep 29, 2011 @ 09:56
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