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Guardian: Red Cross and Vatican "Helped Thousands of Nazi War Criminals Escape"


"Gerald Steinacher, a research fellow at Harvard University, was given access to thousands of internal documents in the archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The documents include ICRC travel documents issued to thousands of Nazi war criminals and members of Nazi organisations among hundreds of thousands of documents.

They throw significant new light on how and why mass murderers such as Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele and Klaus Barbie and thousands of others were able to evade capture by the allies."


The text you are quoting:


"Gerald Steinacher, a research fellow at Harvard University, was given access to thousands of internal documents in the archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The documents include ICRC travel documents issued to thousands of Nazi war criminals and members of Nazi organisations among hundreds of thousands of documents.

They throw significant new light on how and why mass murderers such as Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele and Klaus Barbie and thousands of others were able to evade capture by the allies."


TranslatorMay 25, 2011 @ 17:14
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Re: Guardian: Red Cross and Vatican "Helped Thousands of Nazi War Criminals Escape"
Post 1

Opening up a can of worms are we?  A pandora's box?  It isn't surprising to see the German Catholic church and the Vatican collaboration since they saw Germany as a bulwark against atheist Bolshevik Russia during the war.

Bismarck’s Kulturkampf against the Catholic Church had made the German Catholic hierarchy very distrustful of anti-Semitism; they feared it would pave the way for further attacks on the Catholic minority as well. In addition, individual bishops, mindful that Jesus was a Jew and that therefore racial anti-Semitism was incompatible with Christianity, had even refused communion to Nazi members. But there had always been anti-Semites among the leaders of the Centre, and after the 1929 Lateran accord with Mussolini there was growing pressure from the Vatican for a Centre-Nazi accommodation in the name of a fight against Communism. However, Kareski could not see the direction in which class interest was pushing the Catholic upper class, and he completely misjudged Franz von Papen, who took over as a Centre Chancellor after Brüning. Kareski reassured his rich Jewish friends that “the Papen government has written the protection of the Jews on the flag”. [9] In reality von Papen had always been an anti-Semite and in the end, after he had lost the chancellorship, he was part of the camarilla that convinced President Hindenburg to summon Hitler to power. http://www.marxists.de/middleast/brenner/index.htm

And  let's not forget Operation Paperclip: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip

And Gehlen: While Gehlen catered to his sponsor's anti-communist cravings, his Org became the life raft for legions of Hitler's SS henchmen to escape their World War II crimes and resettle safely in the post-war world, much as the Nazi ODESSA scheme had envisioned. Third Reich expatriates and fascist collaborators then found jobs as "security advisers" in the Middle East and in Latin America, where "death squads" persist as an enduring legacy.

Gehlen's main task all along seems to have been to protect ODESSA Nazis by neutralizing American intelligence, according to William Corson, a retired U.S. espionage officer. Corson described Gehlen's gambit in retrospect as "an exceptionally well-orchestrated diversion."

Being on the U.S. payroll also did not guarantee abiding loyalty. Ironically, some of the Nazis recruited and supported by Gehlen would later play major roles in neo-fascist organizations (in Europe and elsewhere) that agitated against the United States.

But there was another down-side. CIA officials eventually discovered that the Nazi old boy network inside the Org was riddled with Soviet spies. Gehlen's employment of ex-Nazis -- some of whom despised democratic America -- enabled the U.S.S.R. to penetrate West Germany's secret service. In effect, the CIA hired Gehlen to keep the Soviets out, but he ended up letting them in.http://www.consortiumnews.com/archive/story41.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gehlen_Organization

The text you are quoting:

Opening up a can of worms are we?  A pandora's box?  It isn't surprising to see the German Catholic church and the Vatican collaboration since they saw Germany as a bulwark against atheist Bolshevik Russia during the war.

Bismarck’s Kulturkampf against the Catholic Church had made the German Catholic hierarchy very distrustful of anti-Semitism; they feared it would pave the way for further attacks on the Catholic minority as well. In addition, individual bishops, mindful that Jesus was a Jew and that therefore racial anti-Semitism was incompatible with Christianity, had even refused communion to Nazi members. But there had always been anti-Semites among the leaders of the Centre, and after the 1929 Lateran accord with Mussolini there was growing pressure from the Vatican for a Centre-Nazi accommodation in the name of a fight against Communism. However, Kareski could not see the direction in which class interest was pushing the Catholic upper class, and he completely misjudged Franz von Papen, who took over as a Centre Chancellor after Brüning. Kareski reassured his rich Jewish friends that “the Papen government has written the protection of the Jews on the flag”. [9] In reality von Papen had always been an anti-Semite and in the end, after he had lost the chancellorship, he was part of the camarilla that convinced President Hindenburg to summon Hitler to power. http://www.marxists.de/middleast/brenner/index.htm

And  let's not forget Operation Paperclip: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip

And Gehlen: While Gehlen catered to his sponsor's anti-communist cravings, his Org became the life raft for legions of Hitler's SS henchmen to escape their World War II crimes and resettle safely in the post-war world, much as the Nazi ODESSA scheme had envisioned. Third Reich expatriates and fascist collaborators then found jobs as "security advisers" in the Middle East and in Latin America, where "death squads" persist as an enduring legacy.

Gehlen's main task all along seems to have been to protect ODESSA Nazis by neutralizing American intelligence, according to William Corson, a retired U.S. espionage officer. Corson described Gehlen's gambit in retrospect as "an exceptionally well-orchestrated diversion."

Being on the U.S. payroll also did not guarantee abiding loyalty. Ironically, some of the Nazis recruited and supported by Gehlen would later play major roles in neo-fascist organizations (in Europe and elsewhere) that agitated against the United States.

But there was another down-side. CIA officials eventually discovered that the Nazi old boy network inside the Org was riddled with Soviet spies. Gehlen's employment of ex-Nazis -- some of whom despised democratic America -- enabled the U.S.S.R. to penetrate West Germany's secret service. In effect, the CIA hired Gehlen to keep the Soviets out, but he ended up letting them in.http://www.consortiumnews.com/archive/story41.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gehlen_Organization

Marksist, May 25, 2011 @ 18:25
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