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Global Forums > Politics & Current Affairs > Save a child's life today from cluster bombs by writing to your bank.
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Save a child's life today from cluster bombs by writing to your bank.

Following the riots in England many people have become understandably distracted by the moral rot that has set in among some of the lower classes. meanwhile at the top it's business as usual for those venal rich who continue to make money from killing people. of course this kind of crime, which involves the uber rich investing in cluster bombs that blow up innocent (and non-white) people all over the world, many of them children, is not making the front page of the conservative newspapers nor is it mentioned in the house of commons. bravo to the independent for at least talking about this. 


people need to stop cherry-picking when it comes to morality: wrong is wrong, whether someone is stealing a pair of sneakers from foot locker or making a buck out of weapons that kill children all around the world. these are both immoral acts and the respective perpetrators should be punished accordingly. 

if your bank is on the naughty list contact them today, in writing, and make a difference. living in geneva we can't rebuild tottenham with our bare hands but we can get behind a campaign that will save the lives of children in Lebanon (from the disgusting cluster bombs of israel) and Laos (from the disgusting cluster bombs of america).


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Following the riots in England many people have become understandably distracted by the moral rot that has set in among some of the lower classes. meanwhile at the top it's business as usual for those venal rich who continue to make money from killing people. of course this kind of crime, which involves the uber rich investing in cluster bombs that blow up innocent (and non-white) people all over the world, many of them children, is not making the front page of the conservative newspapers nor is it mentioned in the house of commons. bravo to the independent for at least talking about this. 


people need to stop cherry-picking when it comes to morality: wrong is wrong, whether someone is stealing a pair of sneakers from foot locker or making a buck out of weapons that kill children all around the world. these are both immoral acts and the respective perpetrators should be punished accordingly. 

if your bank is on the naughty list contact them today, in writing, and make a difference. living in geneva we can't rebuild tottenham with our bare hands but we can get behind a campaign that will save the lives of children in Lebanon (from the disgusting cluster bombs of israel) and Laos (from the disgusting cluster bombs of america).


manics1984Aug 16, 2011 @ 10:15
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