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Geneva Runners is now CANCELLED

Dear Geneva Runners family.
Gatherings of more than 5 people is no longer allowed in Geneva.
Geneva Runners is therefore CANCELLED for the next weeks.
Stranger than fiction. Confusion, uncertainty & fear, still please don’t panic.
❤️ Together we stay strong! ????‍♀️????????‍♂️❤️
Please keep your spirits high, look after yourself, stay healthy and take care!
If you don’t need to go out - stay @ home and think of others.
Other times will come again.
If anyone needs help, in any way what ever - don’t hesitate to get in touch.
This post severs as encouragement, and I hope that it might be a positive for someone else too. Much love!


Geneva declares the state of necessity. ORCA activated (they can call the military in as needed, but will not do it for the moment).

No manifestations of more than 5 people.

All the shops a part from the essential ones closed from today at 18h00.

Only food shops, chemists, corner shops, newsagents and petrol stations will remain open. All non essential public places will be shut.

Restaurants allowed to do take away.

Confederation will have a press conference today at 15:00.


#stayathome #staythefhome #flattenthecurve #coronavirus

The text you are quoting:

Dear Geneva Runners family.
Gatherings of more than 5 people is no longer allowed in Geneva.
Geneva Runners is therefore CANCELLED for the next weeks.
Stranger than fiction. Confusion, uncertainty & fear, still please don’t panic.
❤️ Together we stay strong! ????‍♀️????????‍♂️❤️
Please keep your spirits high, look after yourself, stay healthy and take care!
If you don’t need to go out - stay @ home and think of others.
Other times will come again.
If anyone needs help, in any way what ever - don’t hesitate to get in touch.
This post severs as encouragement, and I hope that it might be a positive for someone else too. Much love!


Geneva declares the state of necessity. ORCA activated (they can call the military in as needed, but will not do it for the moment).

No manifestations of more than 5 people.

All the shops a part from the essential ones closed from today at 18h00.

Only food shops, chemists, corner shops, newsagents and petrol stations will remain open. All non essential public places will be shut.

Restaurants allowed to do take away.

Confederation will have a press conference today at 15:00.


#stayathome #staythefhome #flattenthecurve #coronavirus

SWISSMar 16, 2020 @ 14:22
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Re: Geneva Runners is now CANCELLED
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The text you are quoting:

SWISS, Mar 17, 2020 @ 13:41
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