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Global Forums > Travel > Are there camera surveillance in hotel room/main hall in Geneva CH?
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Are there camera surveillance in hotel room/main hall in Geneva CH?

Hello people

Is there anyone of you knows something about the hotels in Geneva? I don't feel well with the idea someone puts camera in my room ( to see my body). I heard they really have camera inside hotel room.

And normally where are the usual positions they install the camera? Inside the room or main hall or elevators? Reception area?

I understand why they put camera at the main hall, hotels are not really safe as their look. Anyone can walks in proudly. But inside the room is against my privacy.

Thank you

--Chic-- a young person who travels day and night.

The text you are quoting:

Hello people

Is there anyone of you knows something about the hotels in Geneva? I don't feel well with the idea someone puts camera in my room ( to see my body). I heard they really have camera inside hotel room.

And normally where are the usual positions they install the camera? Inside the room or main hall or elevators? Reception area?

I understand why they put camera at the main hall, hotels are not really safe as their look. Anyone can walks in proudly. But inside the room is against my privacy.

Thank you

--Chic-- a young person who travels day and night.

Ian KJul 25, 2014 @ 20:20
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