Affaire TourneRêve, Eating local, healthy and fairtrade food in Geneva ?
1 Review
Specialty Foods
Keywords: food, farmer
email: [email protected]
Keywords: food, farmer
email: [email protected]
Eating local, healthy and fairtrade food in Geneva ?
The Affaire Tournerêve is anassociation of producers in Geneva, bringing delicious local food directly fromfields to town.
Whether you’re a gourmand or anactivist, join our initiative, which already numbers over 1,500 members, andreconnect the city to the countryside.
Our goal is to recreate a direct linkbetween agricultural producers and consumers and we invite you to share in thisfriendly and open venture in order to benefit a generous and ethical localagriculture. To eat is to create a story of pleasure and the producers at theAffaire Tournerêve work with passion to bring this pleasure to you.
We realised a short animated film our project, all in french but easy to understand if you fancy watching it
In the fall, we offer two basketsfilled with twenty various local fresh, dried, and preserved products -rangingfrom legumes to cereals, pastas to oils, polenta to honey, pressed apple juiceto nuts, and much more. Our products are straight from Genevan soil, increasingcrop biodiversity, and are the results of the knowledge and experience of ourlocal producers.
To participate, you simply sign ayearly contract. This contract secures two baskets at the end of the growingyear prepared especially to your taste and needs. You can pick up each basketfrom your preferred location on the specified date (see details below);distribution days will take place once in early November and again in earlyDecember. On these days, not only do you get a basket of fresh, locally-grownproduce, but the distribution days also act as a chance to meet your neighbors,discuss, trade produce and share a table for a glass of wine and some soup.This is how Agriculture brings people together, establishing a direct linkbetween you and the growers, free from intermediaries.
To sign up, go to:
1. Put in your details.
2. Indicate your preferred pick-uplocation from the available options: Meinier, Grottes (Ilôt 13), Aire-la-Villeou Compesières.
3. Select the basket tyoe, thenindicate the number of baskets desired.
4. If desired, you may modify theproducts included within your basket:
a) Please only change the quantiteswithin the basket if necessary. To do so, simply replace the current quantity(ex. “1”) with quantity desired (ex. “0”, “2” etc.). When you’re finished,click “calculer” to tally up your produce and then “panier ok” to confirm.
b) If you do not want to change any ofthe quantities, confirm your basket by clicking “panier ok.”
5. Confirm your total order by clicking“passez commande.” Upon doing so, you will receive a confirmation email.
A bill will arrive shortly with theamount to pay as well as the date and time to pick up your baskets.
- To ensure true independence in ourfood choices by relocating production chains, while preserving traditionalknowledge and know-how.
- To receive better-tasting andhealthier food from peasant agriculture, while promoting fair wages toagricultural producers and preserving our environment.
With your participation, the AffaireTournerêve is rehabilitating the principles of Food Sovereignty!
We gratefully thank you for joining theAffaire Tournerêve.
The Affaire Tournerêve is anassociation of producers in Geneva, bringing delicious local food directly fromfields to town.
Whether you’re a gourmand or anactivist, join our initiative, which already numbers over 1,500 members, andreconnect the city to the countryside.
Our goal is to recreate a direct linkbetween agricultural producers and consumers and we invite you to share in thisfriendly and open venture in order to benefit a generous and ethical localagriculture. To eat is to create a story of pleasure and the producers at theAffaire Tournerêve work with passion to bring this pleasure to you.
We realised a short animated film our project, all in french but easy to understand if you fancy watching it
In the fall, we offer two basketsfilled with twenty various local fresh, dried, and preserved products -rangingfrom legumes to cereals, pastas to oils, polenta to honey, pressed apple juiceto nuts, and much more. Our products are straight from Genevan soil, increasingcrop biodiversity, and are the results of the knowledge and experience of ourlocal producers.
To participate, you simply sign ayearly contract. This contract secures two baskets at the end of the growingyear prepared especially to your taste and needs. You can pick up each basketfrom your preferred location on the specified date (see details below);distribution days will take place once in early November and again in earlyDecember. On these days, not only do you get a basket of fresh, locally-grownproduce, but the distribution days also act as a chance to meet your neighbors,discuss, trade produce and share a table for a glass of wine and some soup.This is how Agriculture brings people together, establishing a direct linkbetween you and the growers, free from intermediaries.
To sign up, go to:
1. Put in your details.
2. Indicate your preferred pick-uplocation from the available options: Meinier, Grottes (Ilôt 13), Aire-la-Villeou Compesières.
3. Select the basket tyoe, thenindicate the number of baskets desired.
4. If desired, you may modify theproducts included within your basket:
a) Please only change the quantiteswithin the basket if necessary. To do so, simply replace the current quantity(ex. “1”) with quantity desired (ex. “0”, “2” etc.). When you’re finished,click “calculer” to tally up your produce and then “panier ok” to confirm.
b) If you do not want to change any ofthe quantities, confirm your basket by clicking “panier ok.”
5. Confirm your total order by clicking“passez commande.” Upon doing so, you will receive a confirmation email.
A bill will arrive shortly with theamount to pay as well as the date and time to pick up your baskets.
- To ensure true independence in ourfood choices by relocating production chains, while preserving traditionalknowledge and know-how.
- To receive better-tasting andhealthier food from peasant agriculture, while promoting fair wages toagricultural producers and preserving our environment.
With your participation, the AffaireTournerêve is rehabilitating the principles of Food Sovereignty!
We gratefully thank you for joining theAffaire Tournerêve.
Member Reviews (1)