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Somatic Bodywork - Mathilde Borcard
0 Reviews
Bodypositive, trauma-informed, consent-based
Somatic Bodywork for Pain, Anxiety and Trauma release.

If you live with chronic pain or illness, or/and if you struggle with anxiety or somatic consequences of trauma, we can work together on your recovery journey.

After 4 years practicing and learning in Brussels, Berlin and Wales, I am back to Geneva once a month to offer sessions and workshops.

S o m a t i c P r a c t i c e
Somatic learning is a bodywork approach based on touch and communication, where you have an active and participatory perspective. You learn to breathe, feel and connect to your body, learn its language and its memory, and how to listen to it and to best serve yourself. The focus is on making peace with your body and your experience, in order to let go of the tension caused by the struggle, which is often part of what takes away your energy.
If you want your energy back, your ability to focus either on healing or on keeping on living your life while taking care of yourself, then a somatic learning can be a huge help on your way to health.

T r a u m a - I n f o r m e d
If you have PTSD, know that we take care to release slowly enough the residual energy from post traumatic stress in a way that will not retraumatize your body. You learn to allow intensity with care and self respect. Nothing is ‘done to you’ : you’re the expert on your experience and you explore the recovery process at your pace and with your entire consent.

I s i t a n a l t e r n a t i v e M e d i c i n e ?
No it's not ! A somatic approach do not replace a medical or psychiatric treatment. But it supports you and gives you tools to ease and accelerate the process.
If you have a medical treatment, if you plan surgery or are recovering from an operation, this work is a powerful way to help you through it.

H o w C a n W e W o r k T o g e t h e r ?

I n t e n s i v e P r o c e s s o f R e c o v e r y
If you have a physical condition or a personal struggle you wish to address in an intensive way, you can do a process of 4, 6 or 8 sessions over 2-4 days. This is the occasion to work in a deep and intense way to both make a big step in your recovery and learn how to help yourself after the process, with a specific training programm if you wish one.
This format may not be fitting for everybody : feel free to contact me to discuss your situation before booking.
The first 1h30 meeting starts the intensive : we may have already planned a number of sessions, and we will adapt after the first meeting if necessary.

D i s c o v e r y S e s s i o n
One session to get to know eachother, to discover the approach and see if it’s a fit for you. We can meet for 1h or 1h30 and will take the time to discuss what you want to work on, how we can do that together and have a first bodywork session towards your aim.

L e t t i n g - G o S e s s i o n
Somatic approaches can help you to let go, to release accumulated tension, to transform tiredness in a state that allows real rest and recovery. If you need to take some time for yourself to breathe and be taken care of, I offer a quality touching time focused on letting go. This can be a 30, 60 or 90 minutes, or any format you’d like.

W o r k s h o p s
° Breathing Training ! Power through breathing
° Transforming tiredness into a relaxed state that allows you to rest
° Eyes health : recovering sight
More informations about where and when soon.

A c c e s s i b i l i t y
This is a body positive somatic practice. Every body is valid and deserve care and respect. LGBTQI folks are most welcome. So are folks with different abilities. If you have an accessibility need, let me know and I’ll check that out or eventually offer practice at your home without extra charge.

P r i c e s
Prices are on a sliding scale from 80CHF to 110CHF an hour.
I keep a few slots available for low income folks. Feel free to contact me if you wish to work : financial issues should not be a limitation here.

A b o u t m e
I am a somatic bodywork practitioner trained in anxiety and chronic pain reduction. Based in Brussels, I run L’Estime Asbl, a trauma-informed non-medical health care practice. The body-mind approach I’m trained in is taught through touch, body awareness, breathing, movement and both verbal and bodily communication. I’m interested in what health means, in the broad sense of the word, especially psycho-emotional and collective health. I do my best to be aware of the way hierarchy and inequalities affect our health, and how we can develop resilience through connection to who we are, self-care and transformation. Together with L’Estime practitioners, we question health model based on expertise (expert/client) that create a certain power dynamic. We do our best to hold a therapeutic space where you best know what healing and health mean for you, and we are partners in your healing process.

Booking & Information :
[email protected]
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Posted By:
Mathilde Borcard
Business Owner:
Mathilde Borcard
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