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French/German language exchange
French/German language exchange Picture
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020 @ 19:30
Restaurant La Bagatelle (near Cornavin) - Boulevard James-Fazy 20 - You can have drinks or dinner, Geneva

I have noticed I was not the only one in Geneva interested in French/ German language exchange. However, there was no dedicated recurrent event organized yet on glocals. Hence the idea to start organizing some ;-) ... 6 years ago!

Improve your French/ German and feel comfortable when you have to speak!

The purpose of these meetings is to give people the opportunity to actually speak and use "in real life" the language they are learning (or want to refresh). French and German are spoken alternately, with a switch from one to the other every 30 minutes. During the discussions (free and varied topics, sometimes based on an article), native speakers help "learners" improve their spoken language in a friendly environment.
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