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Book selection: Fitzcarraldo Editions Special
Book selection: Fitzcarraldo Editions Special Picture
Tuesday, October 31st, 2023 @ 19:00
The International House of Associations Rue des Savoises 15 · Genève, GE, Geneva
Fitzcarraldo Editions is not yet 10 years old and has only six full-time staff members. Since its founding, three of its published authors have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, with many other notable prizes nominating their books on multiple occasions.
A success story in English & translated contemporary books, the publishing house is now the envy of the literary scene.
We will take a look at a selection of fiction works championed by Fitzcarraldo and chose one to read and discuss in a subsequent meeting.

Location: Maison des Associations, salle Albert Jacquard
Starting time: 7:15 pm sharp
Presenter: Angela

Part 1: presenter(s) provide a short overview of the pre-selected books, highlighting some of the reviews and critics and other relevant background. Members who have read any of the books can contribute.
Part 2: participants are invited to introduce any book that they would like to recommend and provide a short overview thereof (on a voluntarily basis).
Part 3: participants vote to select the book to be discussed in one of the upcoming book discussion meetings.
We look forward to seeing you all!

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