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Make friends with your Inner Critic
Make friends with your Inner Critic Picture
Wednesday, March 17th, 2021 @ 19:30
Zooooom, Zurich
Everyone has an inner monologue and frequently it doesn't seem to be quite so eager to praise as it is to criticise! So this session is going to dive into our self perception and our whole attitude to life, where this inner chatter is coming from and what we can do to get back on our own side.

The aim: to come out the other side freer, more alive and more caring to ourselves. Let's bring some joy and laughter to a tricky subject;)

Why am I doing this? Because I’m in my third year of completely and utterly changing my own life, my attitudes, perspectives, fears, expectations and beliefs. Along the way I’ve tried this and that, I’ve read and read and read, I’ve taken countless courses. One day I threw all my toys in the air and watched what happened, and I learned so much in the process. I’m still learning and always will be: this is work in progress. But what I am talking about in this series of events that I’m putting up are my experiences of what worked for me and what I’ve seen working for others time after time. They are all ways to become the real you, to embrace yourself as a complete entity warts and all, to honour yourself wholeheartedly and to find joy in that experience. Some of it may resonate with you, some may not, and that’s okay. All I can say is that they have all worked for me personally, so you will feel my enthusiasm.

The event is free. If you think its fabulous and want to make a donation afterwards then you are welcome to do so, but I'm doing it on a goodwill basis.

If you want to join, can you please register on meetup? I need to keep a hold on the zoom invitation to registered members and keep numbers to a manageable level! So you will find the zoom connection details there.

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Posted Mar 1, 21

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