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Board games and beers!
Board games and beers! Picture
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022 @ 19:30
Charly O'Neills Irish Pub & Restaurant. Rue Hoffmann 18, 1202 Genève, Geneva, Geneva, Geneva
Dear all,
Please join me and other friends in weekly board games at the pub. We will meet at Charly O Neill’s pub (TPG Stop Servette/ Grand Pré) between 19:00 and 19:30, for a few hours. I generally arrive around 19:30 but other people arrive earlier, just ask about “board games” at the counter as they reserve some tables for us.
We play easy to medium games during the week, and we meet from 19:30 onwards (most of us leave by 23:00). Newbies very welcome! Example of games:
• Coop: Forbidden island; Back to the future; The big book of madness etc.
• Competitive: Tokaido; Azul; The networks; New York Zoo; Museum; Chakra; Dinner in Paris; Potion explosion etc.
• Party games/easy card games/fillers: Codenames; Tsuro; Abandon all artichokes; Galerapagos; Zombie bus; Sleeping queens; Coloretto etc.
You are very welcomed to bring your own game(s) if you own some, and if you can explain the rules.
Some of us like harder games but there are specific weekend meetups for that, to be organized by voice with other group members.
The event is in English as there are non-French speakers in the group. I do speak French for any need though.
Any question let me know! My number is 078 898 77 34.
PS I will also dine there around 19:30, if you want a food option you can find there burgers, salads, pies and fries!
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