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’Skip the small talk’ September conversation
’Skip the small talk’ September conversation Picture
Sunday, September 10th, 2023 @ 14:00
Parc mon repos (see description for details), Geneva
(Note: this meetup is in English)

Hello all!

For this month's event, I would like to try something a little different. Let's have a conversation around the theme of making, keeping, and losing friends as an adult.

Before coming to the event, I would love for you to read the following article from the NYT: "What to Do if a Friend Ghosts You" (April 2023)

Feel free to use this gift link, or message me if the link doesn't work:


Let's come to the meetup prepared to discuss this article, as well as any subjects related to it. I will ask some guiding questions to help kickstart the discussion.

**** Meeting location ****

Let's meet on the grass outside le Centre Henry Dunant pour le Dialogue Humanitaire, on the side facing the lake. Bring a picnic blanket or something to sit on. I will have a bright yellow cushion that looks like a lemon, so you can easily identify me!
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