Book 1: "1984 by George Orwell"

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 @ 19:30
Brasserie des Halles de L île Sàrl: place de l'Ile 1, 1204 Genève, Geneva
Come and join us to explore life in a totalitarian regime that has stripped the people of their rights. The themes in this novel have become a major part of modern culture, as have terms such as "big brother" and "doublespeak" (resulting from Orwell's term of "doublethink").
Presenter: Andy
Commenter: Melody
20-30-minute book presentation including:
A brief history of author’s life
A short summary of the book
Main/new ideas that the book brought to the society at the time that it was written
What were the major implications/reactions at the time that it was written?
What are the major implications on our daily lives (if any)?
30-minute group disucssion
Led by a commenter (opposing ideas, if applicable)
What are member’s personal view about the book?
Download the book from:
Venue: Brasserie des Halles de L île Sàrl: place de l'Ile 1, 1204 Genève'ile&fb=1&gl=ch&hq=brasserie+des+halles+de+l'ile&hnear=Vernier&cid=0,0,4097413191930280603&ei=rho7TI6HIIzgOJT_mIoK&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CBsQnwIwAQ
Note: reading the book is not a "must" to attend the meeting!
For late-breakers: you can take a look at the following link which should give you a useful overview of the book (
Look forward to see you all!
To join the club:
To vote for your favorite books:
To nominate a new book, email to [email protected]
Find the presnetations at:
Presenter: Andy
Commenter: Melody
20-30-minute book presentation including:
A brief history of author’s life
A short summary of the book
Main/new ideas that the book brought to the society at the time that it was written
What were the major implications/reactions at the time that it was written?
What are the major implications on our daily lives (if any)?
30-minute group disucssion
Led by a commenter (opposing ideas, if applicable)
What are member’s personal view about the book?
Download the book from:
Venue: Brasserie des Halles de L île Sàrl: place de l'Ile 1, 1204 Genève'ile&fb=1&gl=ch&hq=brasserie+des+halles+de+l'ile&hnear=Vernier&cid=0,0,4097413191930280603&ei=rho7TI6HIIzgOJT_mIoK&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CBsQnwIwAQ
Note: reading the book is not a "must" to attend the meeting!
For late-breakers: you can take a look at the following link which should give you a useful overview of the book (
Look forward to see you all!
To join the club:
To vote for your favorite books:
To nominate a new book, email to [email protected]
Find the presnetations at:
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