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Book 2: "Madame Bovary" by Gustave
Book 2:
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010 @ 19:30
19, rue du Prieuré, 5th floor (Erdem's flat). door bell does not work, call him at 0798126220, Geneva
Flaubert's story of a woman who engages in adulterous affairs in an attempt to escape from a loveless marriage was subjected to censorship, and Flaubert was taken to trial over the novel. After his acquittal, Madame Bovary became renowned as a masterpiece of the Realism movement.

Presenter: Erdem
Commenter: Michelle

20 minute book presentation including:
A brief history of author’s life
A short summary of the book
Main/new ideas that the book brought to the society at the time that it was written
What were the major implications/reactions at the time that it was written?
What are the major implications on our daily lives (if any)?

30-minute group disucssion
Led by a commenter (opposing ideas, if applicable)
What are member’s personal view about the book?

Download the book from: http://sites.google.com/site/genevabookclubgbc/books/finance-docs/files/12.Madame-Bovary.pdf?attredirects=0&d=1

Venue: Erdem has kindly offered to host the meeting in his flat:
19, rue du Prieuré, 5th floor (http://map.search.ch/geneva,-Rue-du-Prieur%E9-19,-Gen%E8ve). Since the door bell doesn't work, please give him a call when you arrived: 0798126220.

Note: reading the book is not a "must" to attend the meeting!

Look forward to see you all!

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