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Book 26: L’Étranger of Albert Camus
Book 26: L’Étranger of Albert Camus Picture
Wednesday, September 28th, 2011 @ 19:00
Librairie-café Les Recyclables: 53, rue de Carouge, Geneva
The Stranger (L’Étranger) by Albert Camus (French, 1942): Albert Camus was a lucid philosopher of the human condition. He was once a communist partisan but quit as soon as he saw its contradiction and the inhuman treatment of the Gulag. He illustrated his philosophy with novels, perhaps most famously with The Stranges. Modern times arrived with wealth and increased autonomy of individuals... but also with the lost of the common sense of solidarity, a break between generations and the discredit of any kind of authority. Life has then revealed its absurdity to most people, emotionally and collectively. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1947, Camus was able to describe this general feeling and perception but moreover, he had an answer for it: revolution.

Presenter: Parijat
Commenter: Réne

Date: 28 September 2011
Time: 19:15 sharp

1. Members introduction (5 minutes)
2. Club demography (2 minutes)
3. Introducing interesting books (5 minutes)
4. Brief introduction of next book (2 minutes)
5. Book presentation (20-30 minutes)
– A brief history of author’s life
– A short summary of the book
– Main/new ideas that the book brought to the society at the time that it was written
– What were the major implications/reactions at the time that it was written?
– What are the major implications on our daily lives (if any)?
6. Group discussion led by the commentator (45-60 minutes), member’s personal view about the book, opposing ideas.

At the end of the meeting, a group of us goes to a bar nearby for a drink, everyone is welcome to join.

Venue: Librairie-café Les Recyclables: 53, rue de Carouge, Genève
Tram 12/13 arrêt Pont d'Arve ou Augustin,
Bus 1/4/44 arrêt Pont d'Arve ou Plainpalais,
Parking vélo devant l'arcade,
Parking voiture sous le centre commercial Plainpalais-centre

Note: reading the book is not a "must" to attend the meeting!

Look forward to see you all!

Download the e-book from: http://www.epubbud.com/book.php?g=PU3ADASS

To purchase the hard copy, you can send an email to Grégory in Librairie-café Les Recyclables: [email protected]

To join the club: http://www.glocals.com/#/groups/geneva/geneva-book-club-group.htm

To see the upcoming events:http://sites.google.com/site/genevabookclubgbc/event/eevents-2011

To sign up as presenter and/or commenter (please check the above web address first and only register for the books that are marked with “volunteer needed”:
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