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High Intermediate cycling - 3 hours
High Intermediate cycling - 3 hours Picture
Saturday, July 18th, 2015 @ 09:00
Quai Wilson, Geneva
I propose a 3 hour round trip up la Faucile and along the top of the Jura returning via St Cerge - that's just under 90k. Once up la faucile which is a 10k climb (only last 3kms are steep). It rolls a lot once at the top and all the way back. If some of you would like to a simpler and shorter ride, let me know by mail so that I can accommodate a shorter ride if need be.

Meeting at 9h on the Quai Wilson opposite the Hotel Wilson. If you need to contact me with any question please do so 0787419870

In terms of pace I would imagine you've at least ridden 2000km this year to do this ride reasonably comfortably. You will need a race bike, helmet, clipless pedals and water bottles.
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