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High Intermediate cycling - 3 hours
High Intermediate cycling - 3 hours Picture
Saturday, July 25th, 2015 @ 08:30
Quai Wilson, Geneva
I propose a 3 hour round trip up la Faucile and along the top of the Jura returning via St Cerge - that's just under 90k. Once up la faucile which is a 10k climb (only last 3kms are steep). It rolls a lot once at the top and all the way back. If some of you would like to a simpler and shorter ride, let me know by mail so that I can accommodate a shorter ride if need be.

Meeting at 8:30h on the Quai Wilson opposite the Hotel Wilson. If you need to contact me with any question please do so 0787419870

In terms of pace I would imagine you've at least ridden 2000km this year to do this ride reasonably comfortably. You will need a race bike, helmet, clipless pedals and water bottles.
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