Book 109: Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017 @ 19:00
MLC Librairie Café, Rue de Carouge 98. 1205 Geneva., Geneva
Our book for January is Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell, which is Orwell's personal, real-life account of his experience in The Spanish Civil War.
Orwell is rightly revered for his famous novels, but his non-fiction works, such as this one, are equal in quality and each remarkable in their own way. Homage to Catalonia is striking because of its honesty and directness. It was considered politically controversial at the time it was published and much of its message is just as relevant now.
From Wikipedia (quoting Raymond Carr):
"The Spanish Civil war produced a spate of bad literature. Homage to Catalonia is one of the few exceptions and the reason is simple. Orwell was determined to set down the truth as he saw it. This was something that many writers of the Left in 1936–39 could not bring themselves to do. Orwell comes back time and time again in his writings on Spain to those political conditions in the late thirties which fostered intellectual dishonesty: the subservience of the intellectuals of the European Left to the Communist 'line', especially in the case of the Popular Front in Spain where, in his view, the party line could not conceivably be supported by an honest man."
Themes include: non-fiction, Spain, communism, revolution, travel.
If you’ve read it, come along and discuss it in an atmosphere of curiosity and good humour.
If you haven’t read it: no problem! Come along anyway. Our meetings always include a detailed overview of the book, its author and its main themes so there’s plenty to talk about.
Geneva International Book Group meetings are culturally diverse, open-minded and friendly. Everyone is welcome and attendance is free of charge. (But please buy a drink from the bar.)
How to get there.
MLC Librairie Café, Rue de Carouge 98. 1205 Geneva.
From the Augustins tram stop, stroll casually with mounting anticipation for 3 to 5 minutes towards Carouge. The café is at an angle on the right, almost opposite the IFAGE building.
Orwell is rightly revered for his famous novels, but his non-fiction works, such as this one, are equal in quality and each remarkable in their own way. Homage to Catalonia is striking because of its honesty and directness. It was considered politically controversial at the time it was published and much of its message is just as relevant now.
From Wikipedia (quoting Raymond Carr):
"The Spanish Civil war produced a spate of bad literature. Homage to Catalonia is one of the few exceptions and the reason is simple. Orwell was determined to set down the truth as he saw it. This was something that many writers of the Left in 1936–39 could not bring themselves to do. Orwell comes back time and time again in his writings on Spain to those political conditions in the late thirties which fostered intellectual dishonesty: the subservience of the intellectuals of the European Left to the Communist 'line', especially in the case of the Popular Front in Spain where, in his view, the party line could not conceivably be supported by an honest man."
Themes include: non-fiction, Spain, communism, revolution, travel.
If you’ve read it, come along and discuss it in an atmosphere of curiosity and good humour.
If you haven’t read it: no problem! Come along anyway. Our meetings always include a detailed overview of the book, its author and its main themes so there’s plenty to talk about.
Geneva International Book Group meetings are culturally diverse, open-minded and friendly. Everyone is welcome and attendance is free of charge. (But please buy a drink from the bar.)
How to get there.
MLC Librairie Café, Rue de Carouge 98. 1205 Geneva.
From the Augustins tram stop, stroll casually with mounting anticipation for 3 to 5 minutes towards Carouge. The café is at an angle on the right, almost opposite the IFAGE building.
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