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Boost Your Energy !- Recharge your Inner Batteries
Boost Your Energy !- Recharge your Inner Batteries Picture
Wednesday, March 8th, 2017 @ 19:00
City center, Cornavin area, next to MANOR, Geneva
Hi, spring is coming. it's time to wake up from winter slow motion and raise our Energy Level

Let's get together to learn and practice simple techniques to recharge your inner batteries and prevent yourself from being emptied by the environment.

We will discuss about and practice :

- What is it a "vital life energy" ?
- What is it's current level and why (it's low or high)?
- What to do to stop losing energy or prevent others from draining it from us?
- How to clear our energy field ?
- How to refill it?

The more self power, self honouring and self protection you do, the less energy you will lose to outside forces and influences.

- Stop and take time to be still.
- Move to awake your body and mind.
- Stop doing things out of a need to be busy to avoid the discomfort of not knowing what comes next.

Details: https://www.meetup.com/Geneve-Life-Coaching-Meetup-Group/events/238012406/
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